With an estimated 300 million yoga practitioners worldwide, it is safe to assume that millions of used mats end up as solid waste each year. With very little or even no value assigned to this type of waste, yoga mats are usually incinerated and/or landfilled. The same holds true for post-production material from production facilities, such as offcuts or mats damaged in the manufacturing process.
To avoid incineration and landfilling in favor of zero waste solutions, we partner with specialized companies capable of recycling both yoga mats and post-production material into new industrial products. Using straight-forward mechanical recycling processes without chemical treatment or loss of technical performance, 100% of the material can be reused and hence retained in the economic loop, saving valuable resources.
To learn more about our zero waste solution, please contact us as info@continuom.org
Quantity of 100% recycled mats

PVC Mats
Rubber Mats